To be the pace –setting Faculty of Science in Nigeria and beyond in producing excellent graduates in research, learning and character.
To provide the platform of high academic standard in both research and learning in Science.
Faculty of Dental Sciences
The Faculty of Dental Sciences of the College of Medicine, University of Lagos established in 1964 by a senate resolution. It is the oldest Dental School in Nigeria/West Africa and indeed the First Dental Faculty to be promoted and established in Sub-Saharan Africa by Black Africans.The history of the Faculty/Dental Centre and indeed dental education in Nigeria will be incomplete without delving into the history of the establishment of the College of Medicine of the University of Lagos (CMUL).
The idea of establishing a Medical School in Lagos was the brainchild of the then Minister of Health, Dr. M.A. Majekodunmi. One of the visions for the Medical School was in the words of Chief Majekodunmi“one which would be a great centre of learning and scholarship and a training ground for men and women dedicated to the service of their fellow men/women and many of who die daily for lack of adequate medical care”. To achieve these objectives, the 350-bed Mainland Hospital at Idi-Araba, Surulere was formally designated the Lagos University Hospital.

Prof. daCosta O.O