Department of Preventive Dentistry
To be the pace –setting Faculty of Science in Nigeria and beyond in producing excellent graduates in research, learning and character.
To provide the platform of high academic standard in both research and learning in Science.
History of Preventive Dentistry
The department of Preventive Dentistry was created at the inception of the Dental School in 1966. Initially, Child Dental Health was part of the department till August 1, 1980 when it broke out of the department. Presently, the Department is composed of the following units: Oral Diagnosis, Oral Radiology & Oral Medicine, Periodontology and Community Dentistry (with affiliated Oral Hygiene sub-unit).
Past Heads of Department include Prof. Ana, Prof. F. Okoisor, Prof. S. Jeboda, Prof. K. Savage, Prof. G. Agbelusi, Prof. P. O. Ayanbadejo, Prof. O. O. Sofola, Prof O. G. Uti, and Dr K. Umeizudike.
The Department of Preventive Dentistry believes in the holistic approach to oral health prevention and management of oral diseases to improve the quality of life of the Nigerian community as a whole.

Prof. Uti O.G